Last year at this time, I was embarking on a homeschool preschool journey with Judah. There were a lot of factors that came into play during the time that passed that lead me to sort of abandon that effort.
I mean, we didn't completely fail (how can you really fail preschool???), but we kiiiiiiind of did, hahaha.
First of all, I picked a curriculum that didn't really challenge Judah. Whoops. He already knew most (if not all) the material before we even started. And the activities were very craft-focused . . . and my son hates crafts. At least when he does them with me. So . . . that was a bummer.
I also found that Judah and I clashed when it came to things he didn't want to do that were part of the lesson plans. For instance, handwriting. The kid just didn't want to sit and draw on paper and I had a hard time trying to justify to him (and even myself) why he actually had to do it. "Because I said so" didn't seem sufficient. I didn't want to battle my 3 year old in this area. Other battles were more important.
Throughout the school year and summer, Judah also showed signs that he needed some space from Mama. Chances for independence. To make new friends. To grow in self-confidence.
We decided to explore the idea of sending Judah to a formal preschool. We talked with other parents and made a few visits to some schools. Nothing really seemed right.
And then a trusted friend who has a good handle on our "family vibe" made a recommendation to a school not far from where my in-laws live. We decided to visit with Judah and the pieces just fell into place. It felt like the right spot to send our precious son for his first time leaving our nest.
Do I still dream of homeschooling? YES! But only if it's the right thing for us as a family. Education and children are not One Size Fits All and we'll make our decisions on a case by case, year by year basis for both our children. This year, it appears that this is the right path for Judah.
I admit I'm nervous. I admit I'm worried he'll cry at drop-off, that he won't remember to wash his hands in the bathroom, that he'll get lice from another kid in class. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
But I'm also so excited for him. Excited that he'll learn and grow in his knowledge and love for people and the world around him. Excited that he'll learn to be more confident and comfortable without me constantly holding his hand. That he'll discover and wonder and laugh with other kids his age. It's a wonderful time for our little boy, so say a prayer for him and wish him luck.
Spread your wings, Judah Gray. We love you so!
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