What made you proud?

A childhood friend recently posted a question to Facebook.

"What made you proud this year?"

I was inspired. I think we like to close the year by accounting for what we'd like to improve in the next year, what we'd like to change, or even what we should quit. We don't spend too much time reflecting on the positive parts of the year past, but I think we should do it more.

Maybe it was your performance at work, or the way you helped you child tackle reading. Maybe you met a big personal goal, or even just . . . oh, I dunno, kept all your children safe and alive for yet another year?!?!

I have a lot that made me proud this year.
FIRST OF ALL- My body literally built THIS human. And pushed him out (he was a lot smaller than the photo above when that part happened, OBV). Nothing makes me want to flex my Proud Mama Muscle more than that! And, as it turns out, our little Abram is nothing short of amazing, which makes me all the more proud.

Next, I kept both my little humans alive. They didn't turn on me. Our home didn't become some weird version of Lord of the Flies. Both my little boys are living, breathing, and wonderfully happy (most days).
Also, we navigated The Terrible Threes. The tantrums, the back-talk, the "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THIS" behavior that comes with a Three-nager. It has been a challenging year of failure, triumph, questioning ourselves, and asking for advice. I'm not saying "we made it" but we've definitely survived so far ;)
Finally, I made some very big personal strides in the areas of personal well-being. I have another post lined up to expand more on this soon. 2017 was a time of growth for me in a few areas and I'm proud of where this year has taken me.

So, my friends, I ask you.

