My homeschool preschool priorities.

About a year ago when I first started thinking and praying about homeschooling Judah, I found a Pinterest homeschool schedule by a mom of a preschooler. I thought it looked amazing and was all #momgoals about it, so I saved it to revisit when we started preschool.

Oh my heavens, what was I thinking?!

The calendar was FILLED. Like, sun-up to sun-down, packed with programming. It was overwhelming for me to even read through it, never mind ponder the actual execution! If we were to attempt this, Judah would LOATHE school. Immediately I realized I am NOT that mom. Our school day and my overall expectations are simple. Our lessons are short and sweet.

This year, I want to:

1. Encourage love of learning, discovery, and reading.

2. Offer opportunities to learn how to follow gentle instruction.

That's it. No day-long agendas or complicated curriculums (still using this one, and really enjoying it!) but savoring the precious one-on-one time with Judah, while we learn together.
