You can find us at our city library almost every Tuesday morning. After homeschool time and the baby's nap, the boys and I drive downtown and spend the rest of the morning acquiring new books to read during the week (and sometimes we even make it there for story time and crafts . . . if Mama has her act together, haha!) before we head back home for lunch. And naps. Beautiful, wonderful, naps.
As we've embarked on this adventure of homeschool preschool, I've tried my best to source books that relate to our lessons. Spending more time there has encouraged me to expand the way I use the library as a free resource (taxpayer dollars at work, people!). Some of these points (read on) may be second nature to you, but they've really enhanced our learning environment over the last few months!
Stalk the website.
Passes to museums. Access to books in other libraries in the area. Free event information. I find all of it on our library's site and I've become a frequent visitor (especially after the kiddos have gone to bed)!
Play with the toys.
I can already tell we're going to be spending even more time here when the cold snow arrives in NH this winter. Judah loves to play with the blocks and puzzles in the Children's Room while I spend time hunting for new books to bring home.
More than just books.
Audio books (great for long drives when the kids will inevitably fall asleep) and movies are some of my favorite non-book items to borrow.
Talk to the staff.
I used to be pretty self-sufficient on my own in the library, but now that I have to have my eye out for my boys, I like to ask for help if I'm looking for something specific. The staff is SO kind and helpful (okay, there are one or two curmudgeons ;) ), and I appreciate that they can locate what I'm looking for while I make sure Judah doesn't wander too far.
Oh, hi, Abram ;)
What's your favorite way to use your library?
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